"Facial aesthetic/cosmetic surgery requires an appreciation both of harmony and disruption in each individual being treated. Good facial cosmetic surgery should leave no sign of the surgeon."
Dr Matt Hansen M.B., B.S., F.R.A.C.S.
The face fascinates me. I am captivated by the endless subtlety of movement and shape, the allure of harmony, the challenge of disruption, the change with age. We all study faces from our infancy; it is how we interact and understand the moods and intentions of our fellow humans.
"As a craniofacial plastic surgeon I deal with deformity, tumours, trauma and aging from infancy through to advanced age."
Aesthetic Surgery & Reconstructive Microsurgery
Rhinoplasty | Face-lift | Neck-lift
Upper & Lower Eyelids | Nasal Reconstruction
Facial Fractures | Reconstruction & Tumour Surgery
Upper & Lower Eyelids | Nasal Reconstruction
Facial Fractures | Reconstruction & Tumour Surgery